Yakuza Kick Radio
Since 2010, Yakuza Kick Radio (hosted by Jay Cat Morris) has always combined the most razor-sharp wrestling analysis and social commentary in the game. The show has also given us interviews from a cavalcade of independent wrestling stars, with a focus on Combat Zone Wrestling. Currently, Jay Cat has joined forces with Stan to review/recap every CZW show from 2001. But, Jay Cat also continues to use his platform to analyze happenings in the wrestling world (and beyond).
Wednesday Jun 26, 2013
Wednesday Jun 26, 2013
Jay's random rants include:
-His take on Lebron haters
-RIP Joe Bailey
-Wrestling rants, from House of Hardcore to TNA
--You can tell MVP spent time in Japan
--WWE RAW review
-Ian F'N Rotten calls in to the show!!!
--Ian talks about IWA-MS return show on June 14; "Old Scars, Bad Blood"
--Story behind Goldust no-showing
--Hep C rumors
--Plans for TPI 2013
--Memories of Chris Candido; Eddie Gilbert; Ted Petty; Jackie Fargo
--Ian's thoughts on training and "chop class"
-Jay has some ending thoughts on WWE booking.
Wednesday Jun 12, 2013
Wednesday Jun 12, 2013
Jay Cat's Discussion Topics include:
-WWE Raw proves to be a good sleeping aid for Jay
-NBA Finals Update
-A big "F#*k You" to the FTW Podcast!
-Review of TOD
--Worst TOD ever?!?!
-Tonight's guest is Zach Gowen!
-Topics include:
-How did Zach get started?
-Training with Truth Martini
-Losing his leg to cancer
-Wrestling in TNA and how that created the bridge to WWE
--Thoughts on wrestling Vince McMahon
--Thoughts on the Big Show
--Brock Lesnar
--Being sent home from WWE
--Having heat in the lockerroom
-Battling drugs and alcohol
-Thoughts on Ian Rotten
-Memories of Trent Acid
-Teaming with Human Tornado
-Forming a team with Gregory Iron
-Any independent wrestlers that Zach would like to face?
-Upcoming match vs Reed Bentley
-Jay wraps up by finishing his TOD review
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Wednesday Jun 05, 2013
Jay is solo tonight and ready to rant!
-Topics include:
-Jay receives a "gift" at work
-Jay hits a personal best
-KFC's new ad campaign
-Taco Bell
-Stronger Than The Storm campaign
-Jay's take on the Matt Tremont "health scare"
--The state of Death Match Wrestling
--Evolution of CZW and TOD
-Review of New Jack shoot
-Necro Butcher shoot review
--Conducted by a certain unprofessional hack
Friday May 31, 2013
Friday May 31, 2013
Jay Cat's guest tonight is BJ Whitmer!!
Topics include:
-His start in wrestling, from being a fan to training to be in the business
-Training with Les Thatcher
-Who started booking him early on?
-Going to Japan in 2001
--Did he have a chip on his shoulder after going to Japan so early in his career?
-What was it like working in the star-studded IWA-MS back then?
-Starting for ROH
--The Prophecy angle
--Teaming / feuding with Jimmy Jacobs
--CZW/ROH angle
---Thoughts on John Zandig
-His relationship over the years with CM Punk
-Taking a break from wrestling?
-Thoughts on the current WWE product
-What are his favorite matches?
--Dream opponents?
--Misawa vs Kawada OR Misawa vs Kobashi?
-Upcoming match with Sabu
-Thoughts on Ian Rotten
-Jay Cat gives his weekly NBA Playoff Update
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Wednesday May 22, 2013
Tonight's guest is Ringside Wrestling Photographer Lyle Williams!
-Topics include:
-When did he first become a fan?
-When did Lyle begin to explore other Feds (not just WWF/E)?
-When did he start taking pictures professionally?
--Beginning with CZW
-Attending ECW
--Favorite moments?
-Memories of the original CZW Pyramid of Hell
-The evolution of Lyle's camera use
-When did he first start attending Chikara?
-Shooting CZW "Pain in the Rain"
-Dangerous moments being ringside
--Lyle almost bleeds to death
-What's it like when there are more photographers at ringside?
-Favorite moments as a photographer
-Shooting for "The Wrestler" movie
-Future aspirations?
-Favorite Indy wrestlers
-What was it like when CZW was sold from Zandig to DJ?
-How does Lyle feel when wrestlers jump to WWE?
-Perspective on Indy wrestling deaths
-Memories of the Nick Gage incident at TOD
-First CZW TV taping
-Lyle's stroke
-Anyone Lyle doesn't like?
-Jay Cat gives another NBA Playoff update
-WWE talk
-Wrestling needs innovation!!
-Review of Brian Kendrick's "King of Flight" tournament
Wednesday May 15, 2013
Wednesday May 15, 2013
Jay Cat's guest tonight is Corporal Robinson!
-Topics include:
-How did Corp get started?
--What happened at the Louisville Gardens?
-From Red, White, and Blue baby face to Death Match star
-Heat between CZW and IWA-MS
--IWA-MS Invasion Angle
--Interaction with John Zandig
-Corp's thoughts on East Coast Fans
-Starting with JCW (Juggalo Championship Wrestling)
--Working security for ICP
--Why did things fall apart between Corp and the Clowns?
--Corp vs Rude Boy ---- BOOK IT!
-Thoughts on wrestlers we've lost
--Rollin Hard
--Trent Acid
--JC Bailey
--Brain Damage
--Corp's thoughts on the dangers of head trauma and how Death Match Wrestlers can be safer
-Gimmicks/matches that he regrets
-Wrestlers who don't deserve to be in the business
-Worst injury he ever suffered.
-King of the Death Matches
--Thoughts on DJ Hyde
-Top 5 favorite matches / programs
-Who is the toughest guy Corp has been in the ring with?
-Corp's upcoming return to IWA-MS
-Jay Cat gives an update on the NBA Playoffs
-Recap of CZW "Proving Grounds"
Wednesday May 08, 2013
Wednesday May 08, 2013
-Jay Cat is distracted by the Heat vs the Bulls
-Running progress
-9 o'clock in the morning funk
-Charles Ramsey and hilarious 911 Call
-More NBA playoff talk
-Davey Richards almost killed Paul London!!
-WWE discussion
Wednesday May 01, 2013
Wednesday May 01, 2013
-Topics include:
-Jay Cat updates everyone on his new lifestyle
--Race log is growing; First up: Foam Fest
-NBA talk
-Thoughts on the Boston Marathon Bombing
-Recap of 2CW's free IPPV
-Patrick from South Carolina calls in with WWE/TNA questions
-UFC and the douchebaggery of Chael Sonnen
-"Stone Cold" Steve Austin's podcast
-49ers Draft
-WWE opening a training school in Florida
--Jay's take on the state of WWE
-Preview of next week's CZW show "Proving Grounds"
Wednesday Apr 17, 2013
Wednesday Apr 17, 2013
Discussion topics:
-Jay's back to 'I don't give a shit about WWE mode"
-a DJ Hyde promo from WrestleCon that is "like nothing else"
-More on Eric "Markout" and the PWS carny crew
-CZW Best of the Best review
-Update on Jay Cat's progress at the gym
-Thoughts on WWE (RAW, Various Rumors, and storylines)
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Wednesday Apr 10, 2013
Topics include:
-PWS's weekend of "bullshit shows"
--backstage fight between Eric Markout, Pat Buck, and Eric Simms
--Erik Williams perseveres through a rain storm to call in and review the PWS show that he attended
-Juan joins Jay Cat to discuss WWE WrestleMania
--Juan leaves but Jay Cat continues to review Mania / RAW
-Jay recaps CZW's WrestleCon event
--Preview of this weekend's Best of the Best 12